Gilda to Emcee Barnum Festival Luncheon on May 3 in Trumbull

I'm excited to serve as Emcee for the Barnum Festival Luncheon on May 3, 2024 in Trumbull, CT. 

Business professionals, entrepreneurs, and leaders will gather for the Barnum Festival's kickoff event, marking the first time Dr. Camelia Lawrence will take the helm as the first African American female Ringmaster.

Celebrating the theme of "One Big Tent for All - Breaking Down Barriers and Building Bridges," the event will shine a light on six impactful community leaders who will receive the inaugural P. T. Barnum Leadership Award. The award is being presented in honor of Elizabeth M. Pfriem, who served as the Festival's only other female Ringmaster.

The Whip, Whistle and Watch luncheon is the Festival's premier business networking event, honoring the enduring impact of P.T. Barnum’s legacy in business and beyond. At the heart of the event is the recognition of the relationships and alliances that have been instrumental in shaping successful careers and regional impact. This event will honor the spirit of P.T. Barnum, a visionary who understood the value of connections and the power of community.

For more information or to buy tickets, please visit the website