Presenting When You're an Expert

At one of my Presentation Skills workshops, a successful career coach asked, "How do I give a presentation on a topic that I know a lot about? I could talk about it for hours, but I only have 45 minutes."

It's a great question. Here are 7 techniques to use when you are an expert in the topic: 

1. Find out exactly how much you will be given to present. (And be prepared to finish a few minutes early if needed - recognize that your time may be reduced due to factors outside of your control, such as another speaker going over the time, change in schedule, etc.)

2. Think about what the audience needs to know rather than everything that you could tell them (thanks to master consultant Alan Weiss for this reminder). And find out how much they already know about your topic.  

3. Focus on only one message within your time limit. Providing too much information will overwhelm and may confuse the audience. 

4. Make sure everything you say, including examples, data and stories, relates to the message. 

5Save extra material to answer questions or use it as supplemental material such as a handout or follow-up article for the audience. 

6. Recognize that although the information is familiar to you, it may be new for some people in the audience, so go through it slowly and clearly enough so they can absorb it, rather than expecting them to "drink from a fire hose."  

7. Somewhere near the start of your presentation, set the audience's expectations about your message, the level of detail you will provide (introductory, intermediate, advanced, etc.), how long you will speak and whether or not/when you will take questions. And all of this should match whatever has been sent out in the promotional materials or description for your presentation.  

The next time you have to present on a subject that you’re an expert in, refer to these 7 tips so you communicate your expertise without overwhelming the audience.  

© Gilda Bonanno LLC - Gilda Bonanno serves as a trusted advisor to executives and entrepreneurs to transform their communication, presentation and leadership skills.  She has worked with companies on 4 continents, from Chicago to Shanghai and Rio to Rome.  The instructional videos on her YouTube channel have received over 2 million views and her e-newsletter has reached subscribers in over 45 countries since 2008.  For other articles or to receive Gilda's e-newsletter, visit