Gilda Serves as Emcee for Virtual Women-Owned Business Day

I was honored to serve as Emcee for Women-Owned Business Day, hosted by the Women's Business Development Council. Usually an in-person event at the State Capitol in Hartford, CT, this year it was held virtually. 

Speakers included:

WBDC CEO and Founder, Fran Pastore

CT Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz

Women-Owned Business Day Co-Hosts: The Honorable Patricia Billie Miller, State Senator and Deputy President Pro Tempore and The Honorable Rosa Rebimbas, State Representative and Deputy House Republican Leader

Monica Nation, Managing Director of Banking for JPMorgan Chase.(Lead Sponsor)

WBDC Client Nalini Goolsarran, CEO & Founder, EdgeSpace Marketing 

US Small Business Administration Catherine Marx


#1 - The Power of Money: What Every Entrepreneur Should Know, hosted by JPMorgan Chase

Panelists: Jarleam Gonzalez and Carey Ogden, both Business Relationship Managers, JPMorgan Chase.

Moderator: Beth Scarborough, Business Advisor, WBDC

#2 - BizLaw 101: What Every Entrepreneur Should Know, hosted by Wiggin and Dana

Panelists: Heather Rahilly, Partner, Wiggin and Dana; and Davette Stephens, WBDC Client

Moderator: Samantha Cross, Mentorship and Financial Education Specialist, WBDC

You can click on the video above to watch or visit: