Tired of bad Zoom calls, rambling video presentations and boring virtual meetings? I'm offering a webinar training program that can make them better: Video Meetings & Presentations: From Surviving to Thriving
Video Meetings & Presentations: From Surviving to Thriving
The current world’s circumstances have forced us to transition from in-person meetings and presentations to virtual formats. Many firms and individuals have struggled to make this transition smoothly or effectively.
Although the goal remains the same for virtual/video meetings and presentations, your approach to them should be different than for in-person.
This live webinar will provide a roadmap to help you transition from just surviving video and virtual meetings/presentations to thriving, so you can build trust, win business, and boost your company/individual reputation and brand!
- Defining the purpose of your meeting/presentation
- How to choose the right medium for your message: video, phone, email, etc.
Tech Savvy
- Tips to set the stage and look professional – lighting, camera, mic, background, attire, etc.
- Testing the technology and developing “Plan B”
- Ideas for what to do if you're using just the phone
Content & Delivery Adjustments for Video
- How to make your content more concise and focused, to fit shorter virtual attention spans
- Best practices for being more dynamic and keeping the audience engaged
- Tactics for how to practice, including how to use notes and prep for questions
- Guidelines for team prep to create smooth speaker/topic transitions
- Ideas for virtual leave-behinds
Contact me to learn more about how we can bring this program to your company or association gilda@gildabonanno.com