Video: How to Schmooze Virtually in Challenging Times - for College Students

Click on the link above to view the video of Gilda's webinar "How to Schmooze Virtually in Challenging TImes - for College Students. " 

Internship cancelled? Job search on hold? Watch this helpful and interactive webinar from communications expert Gilda Bonanno to learn how you can still network in a virtual environment, even during this unprecedented crisis -- and how you can prepare to build your professional career when the crisis ends. ​ Learn how to make schmoozing/networking work for you to build a consistent and clear personal brand; and how to create a workable process for networking, from planning through following up. *This webinar was originally recorded for Marist College, however the best practices covered are applicable for any college students.

Resource Links from the Video

**To download the handout for this video, please visit: 
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**Download my free course: Virtual Presentations: How to Develop & Deliver an Effective Presentation Over the Phone

© Gilda Bonanno LLC - Gilda Bonanno serves as a trusted advisor to executives and entrepreneurs to transform their communication, presentation and leadership skills. She has worked with companies on 4 continents, from Chicago to Shanghai and Rio to Rome. The instructional videos on her YouTube channel have received over 2 million views and her e-newsletter has reached subscribers in over 45 countries since 2008. She is a graduate of Marist College and Fordham University. For other articles or to receive Gilda's e-newsletter, visit