Bruce Turkel: Remove the Cuss From Customer Service

Branding expert and fellow speaker Bruce Turkel has written an insightful blog post about the highs and lows of customer service. 

As a frequent traveler myself, I am in a position to observe customer service (good, bad and ugly) in airlines, airports, hotels and restaurants. 

Here is an excerpt:
"Of course, you take some of that time to complain about how technology is interrupting your business. You take more time to whine about all the new competitors you now have to deal with. And you spend even more time when you kvetch about the way business is changing.

But do you take the time to make sure your employees understand how you expect them to interact with your customers? 

Do you take the time to train your staff to create wonderful experiences for your clients?

Do you make the effort needed to provide your people with the information they need to please your consumers?

Often, it’s not the new players who are stealing your customers, but your existing staff that is neither helping maintain your existing clients nor enticing new consumers to do business with you."

Read his full blog post here: