Women Owned Business Day at the State Capitol - April 8

WBDC's 2nd Annual Women Owned Business Day at the State Capitol - April 8th!  
Join WBDC in Hartford, CT for an interactive and empowering discussion with key national and state leaders about the economic clout of women entrepreneurs.

Keynote Speaker: Amanda Brown, Executive Director, National Women's Business Council (NWBC)

Special Guest Speaker: Tina Byles WIlliams, CEO & Chief Investment Officer of FIS Group

Registration: 9:30 AM
Coffee & Conversation: 10AM- 12PM

Location: Hartford, Legislative Office Building Rm 1D

Discussion Topics will include:
  • Access to Lending
  • Access to Training & Education
  • Federal Contracting for Women Owned Businesses

Pre-registration required/No Charge: 
or call 203-353-1750

The Women’s Business Development Council (WBDC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women become economically self-sufficient. WBDC is the leader of entrepreneurial and financial training for women in Connecticut and has been educating, empowering and promoting women through entrepreneurship, financial education and expanded career opportunities for 17 years.

For more information about the WBDC, please visit www.ctwbdc.org

Gilda Bonanno's blog www.gildabonanno.blogspot.com