"Women, Leadership and the Workplace" Discussion

I recently had the privilege of attending a panel discussion on "Women, Leadership and the Workplace," led by CT Women's Business Development Council Founder and CEO, Fran Pastore. 

Panelists included Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman and U.S. Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT- 3rd District) and focused on the challenges faced by women in the workplace and the increasing opportunities for women business leaders to make a positive impact.

The discussion was hosted at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center, which also featured an exhibit, The Way We Worked, a Smithsonian Institution Travelling Exhibition that offers a fun and nostalgic look back at the history of the working people in America.  

Karen Kelly, Senior VP & Chief Marketing Officer of First County Bank; Moderator Fran Pastore, Founder & CEO of WBDC; Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman; Melissa Mulroney, Exec. Director & CEO of Stamford Museum & Nature Center; Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro; Carolyn Treiss, Exec. Director, Permanent Commission on the Status of Women

Congresswoman DeLauro and Lt. Governor Wyman
discussing their longtime advocacy for women's economic equity

Carolyn Treiss, Exec. Director, PCSW, announcing that the
"Status of Women in the Workforce" Report will soon be released

The Women’s Business Development Council (WBDC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women become economically self-sufficient. WBDC is the leader of entrepreneurial and financial training for women in Connecticut and has been educating, empowering and promoting women through entrepreneurship, financial education and expanded career opportunities for 17 years.  

For more information on WBDC’s entrepreneurial training and financial education programs please visit www.ctwbdc.org.

(Photos courtesy of WBDC)
Gilda Bonanno's blog www.gildabonanno.blogspot.com