by Gilda Bonanno LLC
When you present, it’s important for you to connect to the audience so they pay attention and understand your message. Here are 9 strategies for engaging the audience:
When you present, it’s important for you to connect to the audience so they pay attention and understand your message. Here are 9 strategies for engaging the audience:
1. Know
the audience
If you know the audience and understand
how they like to receive information, it's much easier for you to construct a
presentation that makes sense to them. For
example, you lead off with a problem statement and then provide a
solution. Or, you go chronologically
through the history of this project. If
you speak “their language,” it will be easier to keep their attention.
2. Start
Don’t waste too much of your precious
first few seconds thanking everyone and making comments about the weather or
logistic announcements. Capture the audience’s attention by launching right into
your content with a startling statistic, provocative question, relevant story
or bold statement of your message.
3. Use
real examples
Use real examples whenever possible,
because that helps your audience see and understand what you’re talking about. You
can keep names confidential if necessary; for example, “One of our clients who
works for a pharmaceutical company said they loved our product because…”
4. Be
descriptive, not bland
Use evocative language and vivid
imagery. Choose expressive words that
paint a picture in the minds of your audience.
5. Vary
your body language
Don’t speak in a monotone or stand
stiffly and stare at the floor. Use natural gestures and make eye contact with
different people in the audience. Vary your voice and facial expressions to
give meaning to your words.
6. Stay
on topic
Don’t allow questions to lead you off
on a tangent. Take the question off-line if you can’t answer it quickly or it’s
not on topic or interesting to the rest of the audience.
7. Use
pauses wisely
You want to keep the flow of the
presentation moving, but you don’t want to speak so quickly that people can’t
keep up with you. Use pauses to give the
audience a chance to absorb what you’ve said, to give yourself time to think of
what to say next instead of “um” and “ah” and for dramatic effect.
8. Ask
real questions
Asking questions of the audience can
be a straightforward way for you to engage people. If you do ask questions, be clear when they
are real questions that you’d like answers to and give people a chance to think
about their answers. And don’t promise
audience involvement if you have no intention of following through on that
9. End strong
Don’t just end with “No questions? OK,
uh, thanks, I guess we’re done…” Even if
you take questions, make sure you’ve prepared a conclusion for after the
questions. End with a powerful
restatement of your message, a rhetorical question to the audience or a
motivational declaration.
Following these 9 strategies will help
you capture and keep the audience’s attention throughout your presentation so
they understand and remember your message.
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