CT Chapter of the National Speakers Association - April Meeting with Dick Bruso |
April 29, 2014 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
Shelton Public Library - Huntington Branch 41 Church St. Shelton, CT 06484 |
Join us for A Branding Extravaganza! Two Incredible Sessions in One Power-Packed Program Presented by Internationally Acclaimed Branding Expert, Dick Bruso |
Come Build Your Brand! This is your opportunity to begin the process of creating your very own distinctive brand using the incredible power of story. In addition, if you currently have a viable brand you will be shown some very creative and dynamic ways to expand it. Regardless of where you’re at in your speaking career, learn how your story can bring focus, clarity and life to your brand.
This jam-packed and highly practical session is designed to help professional speakers develop their distinctive brand, focus on their uniqueness to successfully reach their target markets, and position themselves to be "heard above the noise” in the marketplace.
Highlights include how to:
• Create a compelling, memorable, and distinctive brand centered on “your story” that truly sets you apart in everything you say and do
• Maximize your ability to reach your target market(s) via creative branding, the incredible power of media, and strategic networking.
• Produce powerful tools and products to significantly enhance your brand’s visibility
Examples of dynamic branding, unique positioning, and creative marketing approaches successfully utilized by fellow speakers and other professionals will be shared throughout this session.
Session Two: “Brandstorming”
During this highly interactive session, Dick will demonstrate (with the assistance of several audience members) how you and your colleagues can develop brands based on your unique and powerful stories designed to truly set you apart in the marketplace. You’ll, also, learn the secret of how to apply the “umbrella branding” approach to encompass all aspects of your speaking practice.
About Dick Bruso
An international speaker and founder of Heard Above The Noise®, Dick Bruso is a highly regarded branding and marketing expert. He teaches his audiences and clients how to develop and expand their story-based brands to powerfully penetrate the marketplace.
His clients include best selling authors and in-demand speakers, as well as successful entrepreneurs and business leaders. He is a contributing author, on the topic of branding, to NSA’s popular books, Paid To Speak and Speak More!
Dick is an active member of NSA and NSA/Colorado. He served as president of NSA/CO for 2005-2006 and prior to then was a member of the NSA National PR Advisory Task Force. Dick, also, served as the 2009-2010 Chair of the NSA Writers & Publishers PEG, as the Chair of the NSA Academy for Professional Speaking for 2011-2012 and as the Co-Chair of the 2012 Cavett Institute.
This meeting will be held at
Refreshments will not be available
Members: Free
Guests $35
To register or for more info, visit http://nsact.org/meetinginfo.php?id=49&ts=1395801519