Informal Learning at FactSet - ASTD-SCC 3/18/13 Meeting

Case Study: Bringing Together Informal Learning, Collaboration, and Knowledge Sharing
Speakers: Kathleen Fischer Callahan and Adam Weisblatt, FactSet
Southern CT chapter of the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD-SCC) Meeting
Monday, March 18, 2013
Norwalk, CT

FactSet, a growing provider of information and analytics for the financial services industry, was challenged by aggressive hiring goals, a dispersed and global workforce, and a need to be more collaborative. As the company grew rapidly, it needed a channel to encourage communication and knowledge sharing. In considering available solutions, it was important to preserve FactSet’s coveted corporate culture of friendly cooperation and intellectual curiosity.
FactSet's Marketing Communications brought a new social media platform, Socialcast, to address the changing business environment. Upon implementation, the eLearning and Knowledge Management teams seized the opportunity for promoting informal learning. Using Socialcast, these teams have created a collaborative and social learning environment where colleagues share knowledge and can therefore drive business growth. Today, corporate giants like 3M, SAS, and Philips use this social media platform
Our presenters from FactSet, Kathleen Fischer Callahan, Senior Internal Communications Strategist, and Adam Weisblatt, eLearning Specialist, will present their powerful implementation story, the lessons learned, and the return on investment.
Don't miss this real case study in real time showcasing cutting edge social enterprise technology!

Date: Monday, March 18, 2013
Networking: 5:45 PM
Dinner Served: 6:30 PM
Program: 6:45-8 PM

Hosted by the Southern CT chapter of the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD-SCC) at the Norwalk Inn and Conference Center, 99 East Avenue, Norwalk CT 203-838-2000

Members: $35
Non-Members: $50
Students: $20

To register or for more information, visit

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