Using LinkedIn to Deepen Business Relationships - ASTD SCC 1/28/13 Meeting

Using LinkedIn to Deepen Business Relationships: Surround Yourself with a Personal Learning Network

Speaker: Marc Halpert, Managing Partner, Your Best Interest LLC, Connect2Collaborate

Southern CT chapter of the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD-SCC) Meeting
Monday, January 28, 2013
Norwalk, CT

LinkedIn keeps evolving: come learn about the recent changes and ensure you are using the tool to its fullest. With the surge of social media we not only have the ability, but have the need to manage our own reputation both online and in real life.

As a Training and Development Professional are you managing your personal brand? Step out of the crowd, looking your best and help your constituency grow their development in use of this technology tool.

You will walk away from this session with practical and useful hands on skills in using LinkedIn.
·         Maximize your Branding Efforts, learn best ways to showcase your profile, headline, certifications, education, skills and experience
·         Learn about relevant groups and how to benefit from them as individuals and from your unique position of helping organizations grow
·         Tap into your peers, colleagues and experts in the field whenever the need arises to further your own knowledge of training and professional goals

Date: Monday, January 28, 2013
Networking: 5:45 PM
Dinner Served: 6:30 PM
Program: 6:45-8 PM

Hosted by the Southern CT chapter of the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD-SCC) at the Norwalk Inn and Conference Center, 99 East Avenue, Norwalk CT 203-838-2000

Members: $35
Non-Members: $50
Students: $20
To register or for more information, visit

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