Latest Coaching Trends Panel - ASTD-SCC 10/22 Meeting

Latest Coaching Trends Panel
American Society for Training & Development Southern CT Chapter
October 22, 2012, Norwalk, CT

The Executive Coaching profession has evolved dramatically over the last decade. We have seen a dynamic shift from coaching only C-suite executives to coaching high potentials to “coaching on demand”, anytime, anywhere, when needed! Attend our October 22nd panel to find out:
How do companies use coaching today?
  • Where is the executive coaching profession headed?
  • Is everyone coachable?
  • How is the success of a coaching engagement measured?
  • What are best practices in coaching?
Come and learn from our panel of subject matter experts as they offer their unique perspectives on the trends in Executive Coaching.

Our speakers for this event are:

Karen Kirchner - Executive Coach and Training Consultant
Career Management Consulting.
Karen will discuss the future of Coaching and current trends seen by local firms.

Rondi Frey – Director, Leadership & Organizational Development, Norwalk Hospital.
Rondi will discuss the corporate role and how to select the right coaches, particularly for demanding clients such as doctors.
Ellen Keithline Byrne, MA, LPC- Assoc. Director, Learning & Organizational Resilience, Save The Children
Ellen will discuss the new “Pro Bono” coaching model.
Rick E. Spann - Executive Coach, Gateway International.
Rick will discuss how coaching can be successful virtually & remotely, bringing a new global perspective to coaching.

Date: Monday, October 22, 2012
Networking: 5:45 PM
Dinner Served: 6:30 PM
Program: 6:45-8 PM

Hosted by the Southern CT chapter of the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD-SCC) at the Norwalk Inn and Conference Center, 99 East Avenue, Norwalk CT 203-838-2000

Members: $35
Member in-transition: $25
Non-Members: $50
Students: $20

To register or for more information, visit

Gilda Bonanno's blog