Patricia Fripp - Four Techniques for Better Storytelling

Master speaker and public speaking coach Patricia Fripp has written a great blog post about how to be a better storyteller.  And she includes useful examples to illustrate her points. 

Here is technique #1:

1. Set the “scene.”
When did your story happen? Where is your story set? From whose eyes is the audience going to see the story? Stories usually work best when told in the order it actually happened. That makes it easier for you and the audience to remember it.
Help your audiences “see” the story that will support your message. When putting together a story, transport your audience to a different time and place so they can connect emotionally with your tale. For a speech, try writing out your story, then underline the words that describe the setting, the emotions, the sounds, smells, and sights that set your scene.
Once you’ve fixed your vivid scene in your mind, discard the written version and just describe it. (Never read to your audiences, formal or informal.)

Read the rest of her post here:

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