Executive Speech Coach Patricia Fripp has written a great blog post about the importance of capturing your audience's attention in the first few seconds of a speech:
“Your first thirty seconds of your executive communications are like the first page of a book or first seconds of a TV show or film. If you don’t make an impact and hint at more to come, you lose your audience.”
Read the rest of it at http://www.fripp.com/blog/executive-speeches-how-can-you-grab-your-audience/
Gilda Bonanno's blog www.gildabonanno.blogspot.com
“Your first thirty seconds of your executive communications are like the first page of a book or first seconds of a TV show or film. If you don’t make an impact and hint at more to come, you lose your audience.”
Read the rest of it at http://www.fripp.com/blog/executive-speeches-how-can-you-grab-your-audience/
Gilda Bonanno's blog www.gildabonanno.blogspot.com