Thank You to Career Coach Nancy Collamer

A special thank you to career coach Nancy Collamer for blogging about the morning workshop, Bold Presentation Skills for Entrepreneurs, that I delivered for the Entrepreneurial Women's Network (EWN) in CT a few weeks ago.

Nancy is the career coach that I chose to work with when I left my corporate job to start my own business - she is a smart and effective coach who is dedicated to the success of her clients.

Here's an excerpt from her blog post, Ready to Reinvent Your Career? Your 28,000 Days Are Ticking:

"This past Friday, I had the great joy of watching one of my clients, Gilda Bonanno give a dynamic workshop about bold presentation skills. Although I've known her for several years, this was the first time I got to see her in action in front of a group of entrepreneurs. Needless to say, it was a great thrill, made even more special when she publicly thanked me for being the "midwife" to her business."

Read the rest of her post here...

Nancy, thanks for your ongoing support.  And if anyone is in need of someone to help you through the process of finding meaningful work that you're passionate about, in a career that allows you to have a great work-life balance, check out Nancy's services -

Gilda Bonanno's blog