by Gilda Bonanno LLC
I enjoy reading colleague Jane Pollak's blog. She is a coach, speaker and author whose wonderful tagline is "leading remarkable women to uncommon success."
Check out Jane's recent post, She Overcame Her Fear of Public Speaking, for the story of one of her colleagues, Susan Beallor-Snyder, who had to deliver a eulogy in front of 100 family and friends at a memorial for her father. Since Susan did not have much experience speaking in public, she was very nervous. Read the post for details about how Susan prepared and practiced so she could deliver an authentic presentation at a difficult time.
And check out Jane's newly updated book, Soul Proprietor: 101 Lessons from a Lifestyle Entrepreneur (affiliate link) for practical advice on business, marketing and goal setting, including how to pursue your entrepreneurial dream during an economic downturn.
Gilda Bonanno's blog
I enjoy reading colleague Jane Pollak's blog. She is a coach, speaker and author whose wonderful tagline is "leading remarkable women to uncommon success."
Check out Jane's recent post, She Overcame Her Fear of Public Speaking, for the story of one of her colleagues, Susan Beallor-Snyder, who had to deliver a eulogy in front of 100 family and friends at a memorial for her father. Since Susan did not have much experience speaking in public, she was very nervous. Read the post for details about how Susan prepared and practiced so she could deliver an authentic presentation at a difficult time.
And check out Jane's newly updated book, Soul Proprietor: 101 Lessons from a Lifestyle Entrepreneur (affiliate link) for practical advice on business, marketing and goal setting, including how to pursue your entrepreneurial dream during an economic downturn.
Gilda Bonanno's blog