Alan Fine to Present "InsideOut Coaching" in Norwalk, CT Dec. 6

Alan Fine, Author of You Already Know How To Be Great, will present for the Southern CT chapter of the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD-SCC) on December 6 in Norwalk, CT:

InsideOut Coaching: Unlocking the Core Drivers to Consistent Breakthrough Performance
Alan Fine will explore the notion that breakthrough performance comes most often, not from acquiring additional knowledge, but from removing internal interference that allows people to act on what they already know. Alan will also introduce the GROW Model; a coaching process which enables leaders to tap into the knowledge and skills that already exist within their performers to improve individual, team and organizational performance.

At the session, Alan will cover how to:
•Identify four critical factors that lead to high-performance.
•Eliminate interference that gets in the way of results.
•Explore a process for unlocking an individual’s potential and breakthrough performance.

Sissy McKee, Associate Director of Learning and Development at Boehringer Ingelheim will join Alan to share how InsideOut Coaching's tools and processes have benefited Boehringer Ingelheim's employee performances.

5:45 – 6:30 pm Networking & Dinner
6:15 pm Welcome
6:30 - 8:15 pm Program
Location: Norwalk Inn and Conference Center

Price: $35 Chapter members/$50 Non-chapter members and walk-ins/Students $20

Reservation Deadline: 12/3/2010
For more info or to register, visit

"If knowledge were all it took, we’d all be incredible managers, teachers, parents and performers. But obviously we’re not. The biggest obstacle in performance isn’t not knowing what to do; it’s not doing what we know.” - Alan Fine (see affiliate link to Alan's book)

About Alan Fine
Alan is the president of InsideOut Development, which offers training programs, executive coaching and organizational consulting. His unique approach to performance improvement has been adopted by some of the world’s most respected organizations, including IBM, NASA, Honeywell, Procter & Gamble, Gap, and Coca-Cola. In addition to being a popular trainer and speaker, Alan is also the bestselling author (NY Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal) of the recently released book, You Already Know How To Be Great. Alan is the co-author of the GROW model and has spent most of his career as a performance coach to top professional tennis players and golfers, musicians, and corporate executives worldwide.

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