"Dress Rehearsal" post in Blog Carnivals

I’m excited that my blog post, Dress Rehearsal for Your Presentation, was included in three Blog Carnivals. My blog post explains how to conduct a dress rehearsal of your presentation so you can avoid preventable glitches and prepare for potential obstacles.

What's a Blog Carnival? It's a collection of blog posts on a given topic, all gathered into a blog post called a carnival. It's like a special edition of a magazine, with articles focused on just one area.

My post, Dress Rehearsal for Your Presentation, was included in the following carnivals: (check them out for other interesting posts by other bloggers on related topics):

Leadership Development Blog Carnival - June 2010

Work at Home/Home Business Blog Carnival

Small Business Advice Blog Carnival

To find more carnivals to read or to submit your posts to, browse http://blogcarnival.com/bc/p_about.html

(Thanks to internet marketer Kim Roach http://www.buzzblogger.com/ for introducing me to blog carnivals!)

Gilda Bonanno's blog www.gildabonanno.blogspot.com