40 Fatal Public Speaking Mistakes from John Watkis

By Gilda Bonanno LLC http://www.gildabonanno.com/

Check out this useful list of 40 Fatal Public Speaking mistakes, compiled by professional speechwriter John Watkis.  It includes my personal pet peeves:

1.) Don’t practice. Just wing it and hope everything falls into place.

23.) Go over the time you’ve been given to deliver your speech. This works well just before lunch.

40.) Don’t practice. I know this was #1, but it’s important enough to repeat again. Failing to prepare for your speech is the most fatal public speaking mistake you can make.

Read the rest of the list here - http://www.wellwrittenwellsaid.com/successfulspeechesblog/?p=579

Gilda's blog www.gildabonanno.blogspot.com