Non-Verbal Communications Matter

by Gilda Bonanno LLC

When you meet someone or present to an audience, do your words match your non-verbal communications?

If there is a disconnect between verbal and non-verbal communications, your audience will believe your non-verbals. Studies show that much of our communication is non-verbal.

For example, imagine that a speaker shuffles to the podium, fumbling with his pen and folder. He stares down at his notes, frowns slightly and says in a lifeless monotone so soft that you can barely hear him, "I am excited to be here with you today. We are going to have a fun session together." Are you excited? Or are you running for the exit?

While his words may be correct, his non-verbal communications strongly contradict his verbal message. His voice, facial expression, body language and lack of eye contact broadcast a message of boredom and anxiety.

Non-verbal communications encompass many aspects, including:
*Voice: volume, tone, pausing, rate
*Body Language such as
*Eye Contact
*Facial Expression
*Movement and posture

When you communicate through writing, punctuation provides cues for the reader as to your meaning and emotion. When speaking, however, you have to use your voice and body language to provide the punctuation for the audience.

For related tips, see my previous post on Body Language - Gestures & Movement

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